RC Bugs 2012/31
My activity for 2012/31 is (again) quite small:
#682633 - libemail-outlook-message-perl: FTBFS: test failed
Report the bug upstream. Furthermore verified that it only affects unstable but not wheezy. I have packaged afterwards the new upstream version and uploaded to unstable.
#680796 - libmojomojo-perl: FTBFS: tests failed
Tried to investigate the issue. It seems the expected strings do not start anymore with the h1 tag. Submit a lazy workaround for the issue to the BTS.
RC Bugs 2012/30
My activity for 2012/30 is quite small:
#682629 - libemail-mime-perl: FTBFS: test failed
Prepare the new upstream version. I have verified that this FTBFS does not affects wheezy. Thus upload the new upstream version to unstable.
RC Bugs 2012/29
No real work done in this week after DebConf12.
#682277 - libweb-id-perl: Missing Depends on libmousex-types-perl causing librdf-crypt-perl FTBFS
Cloned the bugreport from the original one on librdf-crypt-perl.
RC Bugs 2012/28
My activity during DebConf12:
#680797 - libcam-pdf-perl: FTBFS: tests failed
Add missing (build-)dependencies on libcrypt-rc4-perl and libtext-pdf-perl.
#680831 - libtext-recordparser-perl: FTBFS: tests failed
The bug was actually in libtext-tabulardisplay-perl 1.31-1. Updating to 1.33-1 would fix the FTBFS for libtext-recordparser-perl. Asking the Release Team for an unblock of libtext-tabulardisplay-perl.
#680804 - odin: FTBFS: checking for blitz/tinyvec-et.h... no (removed in blitz++ 1:0.10-1)
Try to analize the FTBFS. In unstable there was an update for blitz++ removing the blitz/tinyvec-et.h include.
Investiagated two serious bugs in python-csa. #595848 was re-opened as new version 0.1.0-1 dropped again the python-tk (build-)dependency. For #665039 the problem is that during build a writable $HOME is accessed. On buildd the building user however does not have a writable $HOME. Furthermore report a FTBFS due to the testsuite failing.
#680824 - xdotool: FTBFS: /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': cannot load such file -- xdo_test_helper (LoadError)
Send a patch to the BTS. Ruby 1.9.2 does not include anymore the current directory in the include path.
RC Bugs 2012/27
My activity done on 2012/27 at Debcamp:
#678791 - libsvn-notify-mirror-perl: FTBFS: tests failed
svnnotify changed output. Forward patch to the BTS to have it working either with 1.6.x and with 1.7.x.
#676080 - ohcount: FTBFS: cp: cannot stat `ruby/ohcount.rb': No such file or directory
The package builds fine in the last archive rebuilds run for unstable. But it still FTBFS in wheezy.
#659007 - python-paramiko: Transfers fail after 1GB; rekeying window too small
Prepare a possible NMU patch with the patch found on github and referenced in the bugreport. Ask reporters for testing. Upload the package to DELAYED/2 queue.
#669446 - redhat-cluster: FTBFS: pacemaker.c:19:40: fatal error: pacemaker/crm/common/stack.h: No such file or directory
Upload package to DELAYED/2 queue.
#629307 - dasher: uninstallable binNMU
Upload NMU to DELAYED/2 queue with the patch already prepared in svn.