RC Bugs 2012/38
2012-09-22 by , tagged as
Again not much work in 2012/38 done on RC bugs:
#687404 - racket: FTBFS: raco setup: error: during making for scribblings/tools
Tried to reproduce the FTBFS and sent the findings to the BTS.
#687857 - libatm1-dev: copyright file missing after upgrade (policy 12.5)
Sent a patch to the BTS and uploaded package to DELAYED/5.
#687885 - opendnssec: copyright file missing after upgrade (policy 12.5)
Sent a patch to the BTS.
#687869 - libgsm0710-dev: copyright file missing after upgrade (policy 12.5)
Tested upgrade and sent patch to the BTS.
#687886 - libgsm0710-dbg: copyright file missing after upgrade (policy 12.5)
Tested upgrade and sent patch to the BTS.