RC Bugs 2012/43
Again only few work on RC bugs for wheezy:
#678968 - libpam-barada: "Authentication service cannot retrieve user credentials" on successful login
Investigated the situation and sent comments to the BTS.
#689038 - camping: Does not support HTTP POST
Sent comment to the BTS.
#666334 - FTBFS: build-arch problems with patch applying and instalation of files genrated only in build-indep target
Send comment after investigation to the BTS. Furthermore reopened the bug as it still FTBFS also in the version in experimental when doin a binary-only build restricted to architecture dependent packages.
RC Bugs 2012/42
This week again only very little amount of work done on RC bugs fixing for wheezy:
#689541 - libapache2-mod-dacs: deletes conffile on package removal (policy 10.7): /etc/apache2/mods-available/auth_dacs.load
Prepare a patch and sent to the BTS.
#691032 - libembperl-perl: FTBFS: - m32 is i386/amd64 only
Apply the patch provided by Konstantinos Margaritis to the package and upload to unstable.
RC Bugs 2012/41
Small amount of work done in this week:
#687942 - fprobe-ulog: modifies conffiles (policy 10.7.3): /etc/default/fprobe-ulog
Prepared patch based on work already done by gregor hermann for fprobe. Uploaded to DELAYED/2 queue.
#689257 - roundup: deletes conffiles during postrm remove (policy 10.7.3)
Propose a possible solution in the BTS.
#688377 - ferm: modifies conffiles (policy 10.7.3): /etc/default/ferm
Prepared a patch and sent to the BTS.
RC Bugs 2012/40
Only small amount of work done for wheezy RC bugs this week:
#688668 - iptraf: Fix FTFBS with recent kernels
Sent information to the BTS.
#689578 - sympa: modifies conffiles (policy 10.7.3): /etc/syslog.conf
Investigated the bugreport and sent information to the BTS.
#689669 - iptraf-ng: FTFBS with recent kernels
Reported the bug to the BTS and provided a patch.
#689686 - sysklogd: Do not ship /etc/syslog.conf as conffile (policy 10.7.4 Sharing configuration files)
Reported to the BTS as detected during triaging sympa RC bug #689669.