RC Bugs 2012/40
2012-10-05 by , tagged as
Only small amount of work done for wheezy RC bugs this week:
#688668 - iptraf: Fix FTFBS with recent kernels
Sent information to the BTS.
#689578 - sympa: modifies conffiles (policy 10.7.3): /etc/syslog.conf
Investigated the bugreport and sent information to the BTS.
#689669 - iptraf-ng: FTFBS with recent kernels
Reported the bug to the BTS and provided a patch.
#689686 - sysklogd: Do not ship /etc/syslog.conf as conffile (policy 10.7.4 Sharing configuration files)
Reported to the BTS as detected during triaging sympa RC bug #689669.