RC Bugs 2012/44
2012-11-02 by , tagged as
Small amount of work done for RC bugs in the week of 2012/44:
#691853 - libapp-cmd-plugin-prompt-perl: FTBFS in Debian Sid
Upload package to the archive containing the patch provided by Angel Abad.
#691905 - libconfig-model-dpkg-perl: FTBFS in Sid
Upload package to the archive adding build-dependency on lintian.
#689884 - couriergraph: Ships a folder in /var/run or /var/lock (Policy Manual section 9.3.2)
Upload package to the DELAYED/3 queue.
#692157 - couriergraph: init.d script does not check if daemon already running on start option
Upload package to the DELAYED/3 queue.