RC Bugs 2012/48
2012-11-28 by , tagged as
I haven't done real work on RC bugs in 2012/47. Here is my activity for 2012/48:
#694395 - libshell-command-perl: missing Breaks+Replaces: libextutils-command-perl
Added Breaks and Replaces on libextutils-command-perl.
#694537 - libio-prompt-perl: Version of IO::Prompt in wheezy dies if you call prompt() in non-"main" package
Prepared an upload targeting testing-proposed-updates.
#694486 - lib/LWP/Authen/Wsse.pm uses Digest::SHA1
Prepared a patch.
#694474 - MasonX::Request::WithMultiSession needs Digest::SHA1
Sent a patch to the BTS.