RC Bugs 2013/02
2013-01-12 by , tagged as
I tried to work again on security-tracker releated topics last week. For working on RC bugs, this is what I've done in 2013/02:
#685061 - gfs2-utils: fails to install due to incorrect dependencies in init.d LSB header
Add a Depends on gfs2-cluster for gfs2-utils binary package. Sent debdiff to the BTS. Uploaded the package to DELAYED/5 queue.
#697870 - redhat-cluster-suite: Fails to install due to removed clvm package
Sent patch for unstable to the BTS. Uploaded package to DELAYED/5 queue.
#697186 - Missing dependency on libcollection-dev
Upload package.
#697895 - Update libextlib-ruby / ruby-extlib for vulnerabilities (Re: CVE-2013-0156)
Propose debdiffs to the BTS.
#697221 - motion: No longer has support for mysql
Propose patch to the BTS.