RC Bugs 2013/09
Again I did not much concrete RC bugs fixing, here is what I did in 2013/09:
#701052 - isync: CVE-2013-0289: Incorrect server's SSL x509.v3 certificate validation when performing IMAP synchronization
Prepared the package with upstream's patch for CVE-2013-0289 and uploaded to DELAYED/7 queue.
RC Bugs 2013/08
The work done on RC bugs directly is again minimal:
#699615 - CVE-2013-0250 - corosync: Remote DoS due improper HMAC initialization
Sent comment to the BTS.
RC Bugs 2013/07
Work done on RC bugs in 2013/07:
#699724 - radicale: Insufficient dependency on python-radicale
Propose to NMU in the BTS. Prepared the commits for collab-maint repository and test builded the package.
#700548 - padre: Failed to start: Can't locate object method "select" via package "Padre::DB::SyntaxHighlight"
Checked the report and replied to the reporter.
RC Bugs 2013/06
No much work on RC bugs itself again this week. I worked a bit on open issues to track in the security tracker and reported new issues.
#700098 - cfingerd: CVE-2013-1049 remote buffer overflow
Prepared package with Marc's patch and uploaded to DELAYED/5 queue.