RC Bugs 2013/13
Again not much work done on concrete RC bugs in the week 2013/13:
#702905 - almanah: CVE-2013-1853: Almanah doesn't encrypt the database
Mark found versions correctly in BTS and did some small tests to check also regression from Squeeze to Wheezy updates. Comment on the corresponding unblock request bug.
#703862 - libnet-jabber-perl: Missing Digest::SHA1 dependency (replace with Digest::SHA)
Add patch to use Digest::SHA instead of Digest::SHA1.
#703933 - libxslt: CVE-2012-6139
Checked the bug and prepared debdiffs. Version in unstable uploaded.
RC Bugs 2013/12
Work on RC bugs done in 2013/12:
#702775 - ganglia: limiting security support
Comment on proposed text for README.Debian.security.
#703348 - CVE-2013-1854
Manually close bug, as it was fixed in unstable.
#703349 - CVE-2013-1855 CVE-2013-1857
Manually close bug, as it was fixed in unstable.
RC Bugs 2013/10
Here concrete contributions on RC fixes for the week 2013/10:
#701227 - nagios-nrpe: CVE-2013-1362: allows the passing of $() as command arguments to execute shell commands
Propose a patch to the BTS.
#698871 - CVE-2013-0219 CVE-2013-0220
Upload packages prepared by Timo Aaltonen.
#702525 - ruby1.9.1: CVE-2013-1821: entity expansion DoS vulnerability in REXML
Upload package to delayed queue but also asked maintainers for an upload.
#702526 - ruby1.8: CVE-2013-1821: entity expansion DoS vulnerability in REXML
Sent patch to the BTS.
#702821 libapache2-mod-perl2: FTBFS: the CVE-2013-1667 fix breaks t/perl/hash_attack.t
Helped in testbuild package with proposed patches.