RC Bugs 2013/10
2013-03-15 by , tagged as
Here concrete contributions on RC fixes for the week 2013/10:
#701227 - nagios-nrpe: CVE-2013-1362: allows the passing of $() as command arguments to execute shell commands
Propose a patch to the BTS.
#698871 - CVE-2013-0219 CVE-2013-0220
Upload packages prepared by Timo Aaltonen.
#702525 - ruby1.9.1: CVE-2013-1821: entity expansion DoS vulnerability in REXML
Upload package to delayed queue but also asked maintainers for an upload.
#702526 - ruby1.8: CVE-2013-1821: entity expansion DoS vulnerability in REXML
Sent patch to the BTS.
#702821 libapache2-mod-perl2: FTBFS: the CVE-2013-1667 fix breaks t/perl/hash_attack.t
Helped in testbuild package with proposed patches.