salvatore's blog

Debian activities
Posts tagged as rc

RC Bugs 2013/21

2013-05-24 by Salvatore Bonaccorso, tagged as bugs, debian, rc

Not much concrete work on RC bugs done:

RC Bugs 2013/20

2013-05-17 by Salvatore Bonaccorso, tagged as bugs, debian, rc

After the release I really slowly started again working on my own packages and from time to time also look at UDD. Still, no much work done:

RC Bugs 2013/19

2013-05-10 by Salvatore Bonaccorso, tagged as bugs, debian, rc

After the Wheezy release now there are again more RC bugs opening.

RC Bugs 2013/18

2013-05-04 by Salvatore Bonaccorso, tagged as bugs, debian, rc

Again the week before the Wheezy release not much work done on fixing RC bugs itself.

RC Bugs 2013/17

2013-04-22 by Salvatore Bonaccorso, tagged as bugs, debian, rc

Explicit work done on RC bugs in 2013/17:

RC Bugs 2013/15

2013-04-13 by Salvatore Bonaccorso, tagged as bugs, debian, rc

This week was a quite busy week elswhere. Thus no direct work on RC bugs done.

RC Bugs 2013/14

2013-04-02 by Salvatore Bonaccorso, tagged as bugs, debian, rc

Work on RC bugs in 2013/14:

RC Bugs 2013/13

2013-03-26 by Salvatore Bonaccorso, tagged as bugs, debian, rc

Again not much work done on concrete RC bugs in the week 2013/13:

RC Bugs 2013/12

2013-03-20 by Salvatore Bonaccorso, tagged as bugs, debian, rc

Work on RC bugs done in 2013/12:

RC Bugs 2013/10

2013-03-15 by Salvatore Bonaccorso, tagged as bugs, debian, rc

Here concrete contributions on RC fixes for the week 2013/10: